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Stranger Things

3. Sezon 4. Bölüm

Süre: 52 dk

Stranger Things S3 E4

Dizinin Konusu

Stranger Things dizisinin 3. sezonunun 4. bölümü "Chapter Four: The Sauna Test" adını taşıyor. Bu Stranger Things bölümü Kate Trefey tarafından yazıldı ve Shawn Levy tarafından yönetildi. Dizinin bu bölümünün konusunu orijinal dilinde yani İngilizce olarak aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz:

Stranger Things Season 3 Episode 4

Billy and Heather take her parents to the mill. Nancy and Jonathan are fired for harassing Driscoll, whom Tom Holloway claims to be a paranoid schizophrenic. Will reveals his connection to the Mind Flayer to Mike, Lucas, Eleven, and Max, speculating that the Mind Flayer still resides in the real world and has possessed Billy. Hopper recalls having previously seen Grigori meeting with the town's mayor, Larry Kline. Hopper and Joyce force Kline to reveal that Grigori works for the owners of Starcourt, who have been purchasing abandoned properties across Hawkins. Kline later alerts Grigori that Hopper and Joyce are planning to search the properties. At Starcourt, Dustin, Steve and Robin enlist Lucas' sister Erica to break into the loading dock, discovering it is an elevator. The elevator plunges deep below the mall with them trapped inside. Still suspicious, Nancy goes to visit Driscoll at the hospital, while the kids trap Billy in the pool's sauna to confirm that he is possessed. Billy gains superhuman strength and breaks free, while Nancy witnesses Driscoll similarly transform. Billy regroups with Heather at the mill, where dozens of other townspeople have been possessed.

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