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Stranger Things

2. Sezon 9. Bölüm

Süre: 61 dk

Stranger Things S2 E9

Dizinin Konusu

Stranger Things dizisinin 2. sezonunun 9. bölümü "Chapter Nine: The Gate" adını taşıyor. Bu Stranger Things bölümü The Duffer Brothers tarafından yazıldı ve yönetildi. Dizinin bu bölümünün konusunu orijinal dilinde yani İngilizce olarak aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz:

Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 9

After a brief reunion, Eleven and the group devise a plan to close the gate without killing Will. Hopper and Eleven head to the lab to close the portal (on the way seeing Doctor Owens who has been attacked and injured upon attempting to escape), while Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce purge the virus from Will by overheating him in Hopper's cabin. To prevent the creatures from attacking Hopper and Eleven, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max and Steve plan to enter the tunnels to lure the pack. Billy arrives at the Byers house, having been instructed to find Max by his father, and gets into a fight with Steve. Max manages to sedate him, and the group enter the tunnels to enact their plan. Nancy manages to release Will from the Mind Flayer's grasp by branding him with a poker. Despite the Mind Flayer's attempts to thwart her, Eleven unleashes her anger and successfully closes the gate, killing the creatures. One month later, Nancy's tape has exposed the lab, leading to its closure. Barb receives a funeral and Owens, who survived his injuries, forges a birth certificate for Eleven, naming her Jane Hopper. Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Will, Lucas, and Max attend their school's winter dance during which Max kisses Lucas, Mike kisses Eleven and Nancy dances with Dustin. In the Upside Down, the Mind Flayer is still alive, towering over the school and appears to be watching the group.

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