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Stranger Things

2. Sezon 5. Bölüm

Süre: 57 dk

Stranger Things S2 E5

Dizinin Konusu

Stranger Things dizisinin 2. sezonunun 5. bölümü "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" adını taşıyor. Bu Stranger Things bölümü Jessie Nickson-Lopez tarafından yazıldı ve Andrew Stanton tarafından yönetildi. Dizinin bu bölümünün konusunu orijinal dilinde yani İngilizce olarak aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz:

Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 5

Hopper becomes trapped in the tunnels and passes out. Mike sleeps over at the Byers' house to help Will recover. Will has a vision of Hopper, leading Joyce to recruit Bob's help to determine its meaning. Bob identifies the network as a map of Hawkins and the pumpkin field as the place Hopper was going. Nancy and Jonathan take the tape of Owens' admission to Murray, who realizes the public will not believe the fantastical story and suggests watering it down to make it more palatable. Lucas reveals the truth of Will's disappearance to Max to gain her respect. Dustin traps Dart in his basement and enlists Steve's help to recapture it. Eleven tracks down Terry and Becky Ives. Terry and Eleven are able to communicate using their psychic powers and Terry reveals to Eleven that she tried to rescue her at the lab and was subjected to a brain-damaging dose of shock therapy by Brenner. Eleven learns there was another girl trained like her. Joyce, Bob, Will, and Mike are able to rescue Hopper, though scientists from the lab soon arrive and set the tunnels on fire, causing Will to collapse and convulse in agony.

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