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Prison Break

2. Sezon 22. Bölüm

Süre: 41 dk

Prison Break S2 E22

Dizinin Konusu

Prison Break dizisinin 2. sezonunun 22. bölümü "Sona" adını taşıyor. Bu Prison Break bölümü Paul Scheuring tarafından yazıldı ve Kevin Hooks tarafından yönetildi. Dizinin bu bölümünün konusunu orijinal dilinde yani İngilizce olarak aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz:

Prison Break Season 2 Episode 22

Scofield convinces a local drug-selling group to help him. Meanwhile, Kellerman reveals his missions and Burrows and Tancredi's innocence. She is exonerated and Kellerman is arrested. Scofield arrives with boat to the warehouse Mahone is keeping Burrows. Mahone calls the police and reports a murder. Kim arrives and a fight ensues between his men and Mahone. The brothers escape and Mahone gets in the boat before the police arriving and finding drugs in it, leading to Mahone's arrest. Bagwell is revealed to have been collaborating with the Company, but they leave him to go to jail. The brothers arrive in another boat Scofield has bought and find Tancredi, who reveals that Burrows is exonerated thanks to Kellerman's testimony. Kim arrives and is fatally shot by Tancredi. The police arrive and they start running. Scofield takes Tancredi hostage in order to get arrested and she be left alone. Tancredi disappears before Burrows can find her. Bellick tells Sucre to free him in order to find Delgado. Kellerman's transfer vehicle is attacked by masked men. Scofield and Mahone arrive in Sona Prison. The General states that this was exactly what they wanted.

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