Prison Break
1. Sezon 4. Bölüm
Süre: 44 dk
Prison Break S1 E4
Dizinin Konusu
Prison Break dizisinin 1. sezonunun 4. bölümü "Cute Poison" adını taşıyor. Bu Prison Break bölümü Matt Olmstead tarafından yazıldı ve Matt Earl Beesley tarafından yönetildi. Dizinin bu bölümünün konusunu orijinal dilinde yani İngilizce olarak aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz:
Prison Break Season 1 Episode 4
Patoshik is obsessed with Scofield's tattoo; knowing it to be a path. Abruzzi pushes Scofield to take care of Patoshik. When Sucre discovers that Hector is making a move on the former's fiancee, he decides to join Scofield's plan; but the latter tells him that he needs to get rid of Patoshik first. Scofield forms a hole to the infirmary using chemicals provided by Abruzzi and Patoshik's toothpaste. After a scenario made by Scofield, the guards take Patoshik away and Sucre is returned. Sucre starts a commotion in the block to cover for Scofield's noise. Scofield manages to open a hole behind his cell's toilet, opening a way to the corridors behind. In the meantime, with Lincoln's hint, Donovan asks Project Justice for help, which is denied; but Nick Savrinn from the Project decides to join her investigation. Kellerman and Hale learn that Scofield and Lincoln are brothers and arrange to transfer Scofield to a different prison the following day.
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